To My Collectors, Fans & Friends. A thank you…

Just wanted to share with all of my faery friends a thought I had on my morning walk:

This morning was cool but not cold and though it had rained overnight only the occasional raindrop hit my umbrella. As I passed by some kids on their way to school, I saw a small box with no lid, sitting in a parking lot.

When I was a kid I was always turning boxes into dollhouses or other things, (the box always suggested its other use, besides simply holding objects).

I smiled to myself this morning, because I knew that my 12-year-old self would have taken that box home right away and transformed it into something else, something magical. I would have torn apart my room to find yarn, pom-poms, glue and glitter.

As I walked home I had that quickening sensation I always get when an idea for a new creation occurs to me- that burst of creativity and excitement that has been with me for as long as I can remember, my constant, invisible companion. It has seen me through good times and bad. It’s helped me make beautiful things and sometimes simply big messes.

I guess when people think of artists, this is what they think of, a person possessed with a singular idea and compelled to make it real. I don’t know what it would be like to not have this urge multiple time each day, I knew this about myself before anyone decided to give me the title of Artist.

I DO know what it’s like to NOT be able to create. It stinks! I have had a handful of other jobs over the years, all of which I was pretty good at, worked hard at, and earned a living at. But none allowed me to do what I love, to do it daily, and receive daily affirmation and encouragement for what I do.

The affirmation and encouragement are an important part of my continued progress, as artists always have times when they doubt their talent and their path. And I am so fortunate to receive so much encouragement from YOU! <3

I periodically try to express, as best I can, how truly grateful and blessed I feel all the time, to have such wonderful collectors, fans and friends.

So since I haven’t said it lately, thanks for coming along with me on my artful journey!

Bright Faery Blessings!

5 Comments on “To My Collectors, Fans & Friends. A thank you…

  1. I absolutely love your work! It is so precious! Health and schedule issues have kept me offline lately, but every time I see your work, and visit…it is sold!! That is wonderful!! So glad you have so many fans! I will just have to try to be quicker! I’m looking forward to your weekly emails of your creations so that I might have a chance…LOL
    Hugs, and best wishes!

  2. You are a true artist and an inspiration to have found a “job” you love doing that brings joy to the world. I was like you growing up, loosing myself in creating houses out of boxes, endless stories with my dolls, reading as many fairytales as possible. I used to hide little troll babies in my desk and make furniture for them during recess. Most of all I love writing, but have not persued it as you have your art. Maybe someday! You inspire me!

  3. Reminds me of me. I used to do the same thing. Everything I saw was in my mind created into a doll house, a home for a gnome etc or something to go into either one of those things… I think I still look at everything that way.
    My imagination would elicit me to draw fanciful things or paint .. even on the walls new and exciting worlds to slip into. I no longer have the skill set to create anything past my blog and my fb page, I use words now and others images to show what is in my mind…including images of your wonderful creations.. thank you for that!

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